Mercy & Missions
“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”
– Jesus

Shortly before Jesus’ ascension, he charged his disciples with the task of carrying the gospel message to the ends of the earth.
We are witnesses. We are disciple-makers. This is how the Kingdom of God grows and builds. Jesus did not commission armies to conquer foreign lands, but instead he conquers peoples’ hearts as they are persuaded by the gospel.
As a missions-minded church, we not only seek to live out our faith in our community, but we actively support the universal church by participating in the work of global missions. This happens by training and equipping missionaries, providing financial support, and funding church plants and the work of mercy and evangelism across the globe.
Ultimately, we engage in mission because we understand that through the gospel, we have been made missionaries of the gospel. For this reason, we expect every member of the church to live as a missionary where they work, live, and play.
The missions we support are listed below
Families: the Aeschlimans, Jonah, the Scotts, the DiGioias
Organizations: Reformed University Fellowship (RUF), Mission to the World (MTW), Christian Discipleship Ministries (CDM)
… What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
-Micah 6:8

We aren’t just committed to God’s mission in general. We also care about our community and the specific neighbors God has given us and their hopes and struggles. We want to help our neighbors experience healing, comfort, and flourishing.
The Bible calls churches and Christian communities “the body of Christ,” his hands and feet working in the world. Wherever he went, Jesus healed the sick, comforted the hurting, and empowered his followers to share this new hope with the world around them. Because we are called to be his body in the world around us, we don’t believe that our church exists for our own comfort, but rather for the renewal and restoration of our neighbors and our broader community. Through our day-to-day lives together, we try to equip one another toward lives of hospitality and service. Through the organization of our church, we facilitate opportunities to better know one another and to welcome our neighbors into our lives.
Specific opportunities to offer or receive support from our community include:
Partner ministries »
We work with a host of non-profits throughout the city that are working to make our neighborhoods more hospitable and livable for all of our neighbors.
Deacon care »
The Diaconate is a group of members of our church who are elected to provide for specific, practical needs and to help our members and neighbors develop plans for healthier and freer lives.
Special Events »
Many of our events are tailored to meet common needs or answer common questions our neighbors have including providing opportunities to get to know the city, meet new friends, and learn how to cope with the pressures of life and work.
Affinity Groups »
Gatherings for people sharing specific life circumstances including those experiencing anxiety, depression, fear, loneliness, and other related issues.